David Nathan, MD: Four decades in Bulfinch

I’ve been here in the Bulfinch from the very beginning of my career. And I got here more than 40 years ago. As a fellow, where my laboratory and my office are pretty much on this floor where I was…it has changed. Although the Bulfinch on the outside looks the same, the building is now for the most part occupied by credit unions and administrative offices, so our laboratory and office here is really one of the last places that is from the original – at least during my period of time – starting in about the late 70s.

Bulfinch was where I started working also not only in the laboratory and in my small – very small – office, but downstairs on Bulfinch 1 was called Ward 4 for historic reasons. But it was the oldest clinical research center in the country – except for Rockefeller I think – which was maybe a year older. And I did all my early clinical research there – that is now the credit union – but that’s where I started. Bulfinch has been my home at the Mass General forever and it’s been a very welcoming one.